In today’s business scenario, creating, developing and maintaining customer relationships is crucial to business profitability. Organizations need to ensure that all customer service channels and contact points are sufficiently leveraged to enhance customer consciousness and increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Amdocs main products are centered around innovations in “Customer Experience Systems” (CES) including their customer relationship management portfolio. However, there is no “one size fits all approach” where Customer relationship management is concerned and different customers need to be addressed in different ways. VisionTechGroup(VTG) helps you realize the full benefits of an appropriate CRM implementation by creating a solution which fits your needs.

VisionTechGroup(VTG)’s Amdocs CRM technical expertise

Amdocs CES systems and Clarify CRM technology are designed to improve customer experience and provide easy access to customer information across different organizational functions. Its intuitive interface can help increase productivity and reduce employee training time. At VisionTechGroup(VTG), we help you get the maximum out of your Amdocs CRM system and streamline sales, marketing and customer contact center business processes, reduce sales cycle times and improve customer acquisition and retention.

VisionTechGroup(VTG) offers a comprehensive set of services spread across the Amdocs framework CRM spectrum, including customer interaction, sales, marketing and service functions. We offer consulting services, implementation/rollout, upgrade and application development and maintenance services.

VisionTechGroup(VTG)’s differentiating factors

Choosing VisionTechGroup(VTG) to help with your CRM implementation and integration has the following pluses:

  • Large pool of Amdocs-certified and CRM trained professionals with sizable domain experience behind them
  • Our experience with multiple successful Amdocs Clarify CRM project deployments, integrations and upgrades will help us bring the cost of implementing CRM in your organization down.
  • Adherence to industry best practices and quality standards and usage of right CRM tools and process aids for efficient management of CRM lifecycle management services
  • Improved tools at customer contact centers to help your business build customer contact points and gain a 360 degree view of your customers
  • Utilization of new avenues to collect, analyze and build on customer data. With the explosion of new methods of communication such as social networking and telemarketing etc, there are new ways to reach customers and businesses need to evolve their go-to-market strategy. We help you achieve this easily.

VisionTechGroup(VTG) has wide-ranging expertise and technical domain experience with a host of successful implementations, upgrades and integrations with legacy systems behind us.  We can help with your Amdocs CRM implementation and support services. Contact us with your Amdocs CRM requirements and we will provide you with a customized solution that will give you maximum value.